horror n. 恐怖
horrible a. 可怕的
internet n. 国际互联网,因特网
interpret v. 翻译,解释
interpretation n. 解释,说明
jungle n. 丛林,密林
knot n. 结 vt. 把...打成结
leak v. 漏,渗出
lean vi. 倾斜,倚,靠
leap vi. 跳跃
modify vt. 修改
nylon n. 尼龙
onion n. 洋葱
powder n. 粉末
applicable a. 可应用的,适当的
applicant n. 申请人
breadth n. 宽度
conservation n. 保存,保护
conservative a. 保守的
parallel n. *行线;可相比拟的事物
passion n. 激情,热情
passive a. 被动的,消极的
pat v./n. 轻拍,轻打
peak n. 山峰,顶点
phenomenon n. 现象
reluctant a. 不情愿的,勉强的
rely vi. (on ,upon)依赖,指望
relevant a. 有关的,切题的
reliable a. 可靠的
relief n. 轻松,宽慰;减轻
reputation n. 名气,声誉
rescue vt./n. 营救
triangle n. 三角(形)
sequence n. 连续;顺序
shallow a. 浅的
shiver vi/n. 发抖
shrug v./n. 耸肩
signature n. 签名
sincere a. 诚挚的,真诚的
utilify n. 功用,效用
utilise vt. 利用
utter vt. 说出 a. 完全的,彻底的
variation n. 变化,变动
vehicle n. 交通工具,车辆
applause n. 鼓掌,掌声
appliance n. 器具,器械
consent n. 准许,同意 vi (to)准许,同意
conquer vt. 征服
defect n. 缺点,缺陷
delicate a. 易碎的;娇弱的;精美的
evolve v.演变
evolution n. 演变,进化
frown v./n. 皱眉
frustrate vt. 使沮丧
guarantee vt./n. 保证
guilty a. 内疚的;有罪的
jealous a. 妒忌的
jeans n. 牛仔裤
liquor n. 酒,烈性酒
liter/litre n. 升
modest a. 谦虚道
molecule n. 分子
orbit n. 轨道 v. (绕...)作轨道运行
participate v. (in)参与,参加
particle n. 微粒
particularly ad. 特别,尤其
respond vi. 回答,答复;反应
response n. 回答,答复;反应
sensible a. 明智的
sensitive a. 敏感到,灵敏的
tremble vi. 颤抖
tremendous a. 巨大的;精彩的
trend n. 趋向,倾向
trial n. 审讯;试验
apparent a. 显然的,明白的
appetite n. 胃口;欲望
deposit n. 存款,定金 v.存放,储蓄
deputy n. 副职,代表
derive vt. 取得,得到;(from)起源于
descend v. 下来,下降
missile n. 导弹
mission n. 使命;代表团
mist n.薄雾
noticeable a. 显而易见到
odd a. 奇特的,古怪的;奇数的
omit vt. 省略
opponent n. 敌手,对手
opportunity n. 机会,时机
orchestra n. 管弦乐队
semester n. 学期;半年
semiconductor n. 半导体
seminar n. 研讨会
terminal a. 末端的,极限的 n. 终点
territory n. 领土
approximate a. 大概的,大约 v. *似
arbitrary a. 随意的,未断的
architect n. 建筑师
architecture n. 建筑学
biology n. 生物学
geography n. 地理(学)
geology n. 地质学
geometry n. 几何(学)
arichmetic n. 算术
algebra n. 代数
entertainment n. 娱乐;招待,款待
enthusiasm n. 热情,热心
entry n. 进入,入口处;参赛的人(或物)
enviroment n. 环境
episode n. 插曲,片段
equation n. 方程(式)
restrain vt. 阻止,抑制
restraint n. 抑制,限制
resume v. (中断后)重新开始
severe a. 严重的
sexual a. 性的
simplicity n. 简单;朴素
simplify vt. 简化
sorrow n. 悲哀,悲痛
stuff n. 原料,材料 vt. 填进,塞满
temporary a. 暂时的,临时的
temptation n. 诱惑,引诱
terror n. 恐怖
thrust v. 挤,推,插
treaty n. 条约,协定
arise vi. 产生,出现,发生;起身
arouse vt. 引起,激起;唤醒
burden n. 重担,负荷
彩塑 painted sculpture
画塑 dough figurine
壁画 mural
国画 chinese traditional painting
水墨画 ink and wash painting
绢画 silk painting
木刻画 wood engraving
版画 engraving
贝雕画 shell carving painting
泥人儿 clay figure
珍珠 pearl
翡翠 green jade
琥珀 amber
玉 jade
玛瑙 agate
珊瑚 coral
绢扇 silk fan
檀香扇 sandal wood fan
折扇 folding fan
冰雕 ice carving
石雕 stone carving
玉雕 jade carving
木雕 wood carving
根雕 tree root carving
骨雕 bones carving
贝雕 shell carving
瓷器雕 porcelain carving
象牙雕 ivory carving
bureau n. 局,办事处
marveous a. 奇迹般的,惊人的
massive a. 大的,大量的,大块的
mature a. 成熟的
maximum a. 最高的,最大的
minimum a. 最低的,最小的
nonsense n. 胡说,冒失的行动
nuclear a. 核子的,核能的
nucleus n. 核
retail n./v./ad. 零售
retain vt. 保留,保持
restrict vt. 限制,约束
sponsor n. 发起者,主办者 vt. 发起,主办,资助
spur n./vt. 刺激,激励
triumph n. 胜利,成功
tuition n. 学费
twist vt. 使缠绕;转动;扭歪
undergraduate n. 大学肄业生
universal a. 普遍的,通用的;宇宙的
universe n. 宇宙
via prep. 经由,经过,通过
vibrate v. 振动,摇摆
virus n. 病毒
voluntary a. 自愿的
volunteer n. 志愿者 v. 自愿(做)
vote v. 选举 n. 选票
wagon n. 四轮马车,铁路货车
appoint vt. 任命,委派
approach v. 靠*,接* n. 途径,方式
appropriate a. 适当的
bunch n. 群,伙;束,串
bundle n. 捆,包,束 vt. 收集,归拢
ceremony n. 典礼,仪式
chaos n. 混乱,紊乱
discount n. (价格)折扣
display n./vt. 陈列,展览
equivalent a. 相等的 a. 相等物
erect a. 竖直的 v. 建造,竖立
fax n./vt. 传真
ferfile a. 肥沃的;多产的
fertilizer n. 肥料
grateful a. 感激的
gratitude n. 感激
sack/ sk/ n.袋,麻袋;开除
sacrifice/ ‘skrifais/ n.&vt.牺牲;南祭
saddle/ ‘sdl/ n.鞍子,马鞍
sail/ seil/ n.帆;船 vi.航行
sake/ seik/ n.缘故,理由
sample/ ‘sa:mpl/ n.样品;实例,标本
satellite/ ‘stlait/ n.卫星;人造卫星
satisfactory/ stis’fktri/ a.令人满意的,良好的
saucer/ ‘s:s/ n.茶托,浅碟
sausage/ ‘ssid/ n.香肠,腊肠
saw/ s:/ n.锯子 vt.锯,锯开
say/ sei/ vt.比如说[用于举例]
scale/ skeil/ n.天*,磅秤,秤
scale/ skeil/ n.标度;比例;大小
scan/ skn/ vt.细看;浏览;扫描
scarcely/ ‘skesli/ ad.仅仅;几乎不
scatter/ ‘skt/ vt.使消散;撒;散播
scenery/ ‘si:nri/ n.舞台布景;风景
schedule/ ‘edju:l/ n.时间表;计划表
scheme/ ski:m/ n.计划,规划;诡计
scholar/ ‘skl/ n.学者(尤指文学方面)
scientific/ sain’tifik/ a.科学(上)的
scissors/ ‘sizz/ n.剪刀,剪子
score/ sk:/ n.得分,比数,成绩
scout/ skaut/ n.侦察员,侦察机
scrape/ skreip/ vt.&vi.&n.刮,擦
scratch/ skrt/ vt.&vi.&n.搔;抓
screw/ skru:/ n.螺旋,螺丝 vt.拧紧
seal/ ‘si:l/ n.封蜡;印记 vt.封
seal/ ‘si:l/ n.海豹
secondary/ ‘sekndri/ a.第二的;次要的
secretary/ ‘sekrtri/ n.秘书;**;大臣
section/ ‘sekn/ n.切片;一段;部门
secure/ si’kju/ a.安心的;安全的
security/ si’kjuriti/ n.安全,安全感
seed/ si:d/ n.种(子),籽,萌芽
seek/ si:k/ vt.寻找,探索;试图
seize/ si:z/ vt.抓住,逮捕;夺取
semiconductor/ semikn’dλkt/ n. 半导体
senate/ senit/ n.参议院,上院
senior/ ‘si:nj/ a.年少的;地位较高的
sensible/ ‘sensbl/ a.感觉得到的;明智的
sensitive/ ‘sensitiv/ a.敏感的;灵敏的
separate/ ‘sepreit, ‘seprit/ a.分离的;个别的
sequence/ ‘si:kwns/ n.连续,继续;次序
series/ ‘siri:z/ n.连续,系列;丛书
serve/ s:v/ vt.为…服务;招待
session/ ‘sen/ n.会议,一段时间
setting/ ‘seti/ n.安装,调整;环境
settle/ ‘setl/ vt.安排;安放;调停
settlement/ ‘setlmnt/ n.解决;殖民,殖民地
severe/ si’vi/ a.严格的;严厉的
sew/ su/ vt.缝制 vi.缝纫
shade/ eid/ n.荫;遮光物 vi.荫蔽
shave/ eiv/ vt.剃,刮 vi.修面
shear/ i/ vt.剪;剥夺 vi.剪
shed/ ed/ vt.流出;散发;脱落
shed/ ed/ n.棚,小屋;贷棚
sheet/ i:t/ n.被单;纸张;薄板
shelf/ elf/ n.搁板,架子
shelter/ ‘elt/ n.隐蔽处;掩蔽,庇护
shield/ i:ld/ n.盾;防护物 vt.保护
shift/ ift/ vt.替换,转移 n.转换
shiver/ ‘iv/ vi.颤抖,哆嗦 n.冷颤
shoot/ u:t/ vt.发射;射中 n.发芽
shore/ :/ n.滨,岸
shortage/ ‘:tid/ n.不足,缺少,不足额
shortly/ ‘:tli/ ad.立刻;简短地
shot/ t/ n.发射;弹丸;射门
shower/ ‘u, ‘au/ n.阵雨;(一)阵;淋浴
shriek/ ri:k/ vi.尖声喊叫 n.尖叫声
sideways/ ‘saidweiz/ ad.斜着,斜向一边地
sightseeing/ ‘saitsi:i/ n.观光,游览
sign/ sain/ n.符号;招牌 n.签名
signal/ ‘signl/ n.信号 vi.发信号
signature/ ‘signit/ n.署名,签字,签名
significance/ sig’nifikns/ n.意义,意味;重要性
significant/ sig’nifiknt/ n.有意义的;重要的
silence/ ‘sailns/ n.沉默 vt.使沉默
silent/ ‘sailnt/ a.沉默的;寂静无声的
silk/ silk/ n.蚕丝,丝,丝织品
我们很熟悉的词汇往往也是考点出现的地方。因为许多词汇有多重意思,有些也有多重词性。ap***多数考生都知道是"申请"的意思,但是还有"应用于",而且从搭配上看"申请"是ap*** for而后者是ap*** sth to sth。再比如object,第一印象肯定是"物体",但殊不知它还可以被用作动词object to sth/sb,意思是"反对,**"。因此应该做到知其然,更知其所以然。
背单词的主要任务是解决三类词,名词,动词,形容词。但是名词其实是可以描述的,操作方法为:功能作用描述词 属性词。例如:六级翻译中的“火药”,正确说法是gunpowder.但是考前没记过,也不用捉急,可以描述为blasting(爆炸功能)powder(属性为粉末)。在阅读理解中,如果遇到不认识的词,直接把它理解成某某某东西继续往下读,就可以啦。而且,在阅读理解中,不认识的名词可以帮助定位。四六级有3%的超纲率,所以即使考前横扫单词大纲的同学,一篇文章会有四五个单词不认识,用圈圈(当然看个人喜好,方块也是可以的哈)画出来,后面有惊喜哦。你会发现文章后的题目中,这个生词些许就成了定位词,这个时候在考场上千万要控制自己的情绪,不要高兴过头啊。有的同学说,呀,这样的话,我满篇都是圈圈,要密集恐惧了。对于这种同学,我也只能说,且行且珍惜,重在参与吧。所以,对于时间紧任务重的同学,背单词的精力尽量放在动词和形容词上。
community: n. 社区,社会
commit: vt. 犯(错误,罪行等),干(坏事等)
comment: n./vt. 评论
distinguish: vt. 区分,辨别
distress: n. 痛苦,悲伤 vt. 使痛苦
facility: n. [pl.] 设备,设施;便利,方便
faculty: n. 能力,技能;系,学科,学院;全体教员
mixture: n. 混合,混合物
mood: n. 心情,情绪;语气
moral: a. 道德上的,有道德的
prominent: a. 突出的
substance: n. 物质;实质
substantial: a. 可观的;牢固的;实质的
prompt: vt. 促使 a. 敏捷的,及时的
vivid: a. 生动的
vocabulary: n. 词汇(量);词汇表
venture: n. 风险投资,风险项目 v. 冒险;取于
version: n. 版本,译本;说法
waist: n. 腰,腰部
weld: v./n. 焊接
yawn: vi. 打哈欠
yield vi. (to)屈服于;让出,放弃 n. 产量
zone: n. 地区,区域
strategy: n. 战略,策略
strategic: a. 战略(上)的,关键的
tense: a. 紧张的 v. 拉紧 n. 时态
tension: n. 紧张(状态),张力
avenue: n. 林荫道,大街
available: a. 现成可用的;可得到的
comparable: a. (with,to)可比较的,类似的
comparative: a. 比较的,相对的
dash: vi. 猛冲,飞奔
data: n. 数据,资料
dive: vi. 跳水,潜水
1. auxiliary a. 辅助的,备用的
2. automatic a. 自动的
3. compete vi. 竞争,比赛
4. competent a. 有能力的,能胜任的
5. competition n. 竞争,比赛
6. distribute vt. 分发
7. disturb vt. 打搅,妨碍
8. infer v. 推论,推断
9. integrate v. (into, with) (使)成为一体,(使)合并
10. moist a. 潮湿
11. moisture n. 潮湿
12. promote vt. 促进;提升
13. region n. 地区;范围;幅度
14. register v./n.登记,注册
15. stable a. 稳定的
16. sophisticated a. 老于世故的,老练的;很复杂的
17. splendid a. 极好的,壮丽的,辉煌的
18. cancel vt. 取消,废除
19. variable a. 易变的,可变的
20. prospect n. 前景,前途;景象
21. prosperity n.兴旺,繁荣
22. aspect n. 方面;朝向;面貌
23. cope vi. (with)(成功地)应付,处理
24. core n. 果心,核心
25. maintain vt. 维持,保持;坚持,主张
26. mainland n. 大陆
27. discipline n. 纪律;惩罚;学科
28. domestic a. 本国的,国内的;家用的;家庭的
29. constant a. 不变的,恒定的 n. 常数
30. cliff n. 悬崖,峭壁
31. authority n. 权威;当局
32. audio a. 听觉
33. attitude n. 态度
34. community n. 社区,社会
35. commit vt. 犯(错误,罪行等),干(坏事等)
36. comment n. /vt. 评论
37. distinguish vt. 区分,辨别
38. distress n. 痛苦,悲伤 vt. 使痛苦
39. facility n. [pl.] 设备,设施;便利,方便
40. faculty n. 能力,技能;系,学科,学院;全体教员
41. mixture n. 混合,混合物
42. mood n. 心情,情绪;语气
43. moral a. 道德上的,有道德的
44. prominent a. 突出的
45. substance n. 物质;实质
46. substantial a. 可观的;牢固的;实质的
47. prompt vt. 促使 a. 敏捷的,及时的
48. vivid a. 生动的
49. vocabulary n. 词汇(量);词汇表
50. venture n. 风险投资,风险项目 v. 冒险;取于
51. version n. 版本,译本;说法
52. waist n. 腰,腰部
53. weld v. /n. 焊接
54. yawn vi. 打哈欠
55. yield vi. (to)屈服于;让出,放弃 n. 产量
56. zone n. 地区,区域
57. strategy n. 战略,策略
58. strategic a. 战略(上)的,关键的
59. tense a. 紧张的 v. 拉紧 n. 时态
60. tension n. 紧张(状态),张力301. avenue n. 林荫道,大街
——公共英语四级词汇 (菁华3篇)
a sense of belonging 归属感
abuse, neglect and delinquency 虐待,忽视,行为
addiction 沉溺,上瘾
adolescent 青春期的,青春的;青少年
affection 友爱,爱情
aggressive 好斗的,侵略性
aggressive behavior 进攻性行为
alluring 吸引人的
an egocentric person 自私自利的人
anomaly 不规则,异常的人或物
antisocial 不擅社交的,反社会的
armed robbery 持械抢劫
arson 纵火,纵火罪
assault 攻击
avenge oneself on 向……报仇,向……进行报复
be charged with被指控犯罪
be guilty of 有罪
be prone to social ills 易受到社会恶*的侵蚀
bully 欺凌弱小者,威吓,威逼
burglary 入室行窃
caring 有同情心的
child abuse 摧残儿童,虐待儿童
confidence, self-esteem and life skills 信心,自信和生活技能
copy 模仿
curiosity 好奇
degenerate 堕落
delinquent 违法者;违法的
depravation 颓废,堕落
depraved f 堕落的,邪恶的
detrimental 有害的
differentiate virtue from evil 辨明是非
distinguish between right and wrong 辨别是非
distinguish good from evil 分辨善恶
distinguish right from wrong 辨明是非
domestic violence 家庭暴力
drug addict 吸毒者
drugs and alcohol 毒品和酒精
dupe 易受骗的人,易受愚弄的人;欺骗,愚弄
egoist 自我主义者
emotional 情绪的,情感的
emotional exchanges 感情交流
evil 邪恶的;邪恶,罪恶
fall victims to 成为牺牲品
female violent crime 妇女暴力犯罪
follow like sheep 盲从
follow suit 跟从
go astray 误入歧途
guilty 犯罪的,有罪的
have a tremendous impact 有深远的影响
ignorance 无知
illiteracy 文盲
imitate 模仿
immature 不成熟
indecent material 猥亵的材料
inexperience 无经验,不熟练
inexperienced 经验的,不熟练的,缺乏处世之道或知识的
innocence 天真,清白
intervention 干涉
irrational 不理性的;不合理的
juvenile 青少年的
lax discipline 纪律
literacy 有文化,有教养,有读写能力
lure 引诱
mass media 大众媒体
material comforts 物质享受
mimic 模仿
misleading 引入歧途的,使人误解的,骗人的
monitoring and supervision 监管
morally corrupt 道德败坏的
abandoned 被抛弃的,自甘堕落的,没有约束的
abuse 虐待,滥用,辱骂
affectionate 充满深情的
alienate 疏远
allegiance 忠贞
amusing 让人发笑的
anxiety 忧虑,焦急,渴望
apartness 冷漠,孤独
apathy 缺乏感情或兴趣,冷漠
arrogance 傲慢
befriend 亲*
bellicosity 好战性
break up破碎,分裂,结束
brute 残酷的
cheerful 愉快的,高兴的
desert 遗弃
deserted 为人所弃的
desolation 孤独,凄凉
desperate 不顾一切的,令人绝望的
devoted 投入的,深爱的
diffident 缺乏自信的
disservice 伤害,虐待,不亲切的行为
distance 疏远
divorce 离婚
drowsy 昏昏欲睡
eccentric 古怪;行为古怪的人
egoism 自残主义
emotion 情绪,情感,感情
emotional needs 感情需求
encouraging 鼓舞人心的
energetic 精神饱满的
enthusiasm 热情
estrangement 疏远
extra-marital affairs 婚外恋
faithful 守信的,忠实的,可靠的,
fervent 热情的
fidelity 忠诚
foster 鼓励
friendly 友好的
frustrated 失败的,落空的,受挫的
gap 隔阂
harmonious 和谐的,和睦的
hatred 憎恨,仇恨
hobnob with 亲密,亲*
hopeful 怀有希望的,有希望的
hopeless 没有希望的,绝望的
hostility 敌意,恶意,不友善
ignore 不理睬,忽视
ill-treat 虐待
indifferent 冷漠的
inferior 自卑的,劣等的
inhospitable 冷淡的,不好客的
inhospitality 冷淡,不和气,冷漠
intimity 亲密,亲*,隐私
introverted 内向的,含蓄的
isolated 孤独的
loyal 忠诚的,忠心的
maltreat 虐待
misunderstanding 误会,误解
neglect 忽视
nonchalance 冷淡
optimist 乐天派,乐观者
pessimistic 悲观的,厌世的
proximity 接*,亲*
rebellious 反叛的
refreshing 令人精神爽快的
resentment 怨恨,愤恨
worry 烦恼,忧虑,苦恼
a sense of belonging 归属感
abuse, neglect and delinquency 虐待,忽视,行为
addiction 沉溺,上瘾
adolescent 青春期的,青春的;青少年
affection 友爱,爱情
aggressive 好斗的,侵略性
aggressive behavior 进攻性行为
alluring 吸引人的
an egocentric person 自私自利的.人
anomaly 不规则,异常的人或物
antisocial 不擅社交的,反社会的
armed robbery 持械抢劫
arson 纵火,纵火罪
assault 攻击
avenge oneself on 向……报仇,向……进行报复
be charged with被指控犯罪
be guilty of 有罪
be prone to social ills 易受到社会恶*的侵蚀
bully 欺凌弱小者,威吓,威逼
burglary 入室行窃
caring 有同情心的
child abuse 摧残儿童,虐待儿童
confidence, self-esteem and life skills 信心,自信和生活技能
copy 模仿
curiosity 好奇
degenerate 堕落
delinquent 违法者;违法的
depravation 颓废,堕落
depraved f 堕落的,邪恶的
detrimental 有害的
differentiate virtue from evil 辨明是非
distinguish between right and wrong 辨别是非
distinguish good from evil 分辨善恶
distinguish right from wrong 辨明是非
domestic violence 家庭暴力
drug addict 吸毒者
drugs and alcohol 毒品和酒精
dupe 易受骗的人,易受愚弄的人;欺骗,愚弄
egoist 自我主义者
emotional 情绪的,情感的
emotional exchanges 感情交流
evil 邪恶的;邪恶,罪恶
fall victims to 成为牺牲品
female violent crime 妇女暴力犯罪
follow like sheep 盲从
follow suit 跟从
go astray 误入歧途
guilty 犯罪的,有罪的
have a tremendous impact 有深远的影响
ignorance 无知
illiteracy 文盲
imitate 模仿
immature 不成熟
indecent material 猥亵的材料
inexperience 无经验,不熟练
inexperienced 经验的,不熟练的,缺乏处世之道或知识的
innocence 天真,清白
intervention 干涉
irrational 不理性的;不合理的
juvenile 青少年的
lax discipline 纪律
literacy 有文化,有教养,有读写能力
lure 引诱
mass media 大众媒体
material comforts 物质享受
mimic 模仿
misleading 引入歧途的,使人误解的,骗人的
monitoring and supervision 监管
morally corrupt 道德败坏的
——英语四级词汇 50句菁华
3、be better 更好些
5、登机台。check-in counter
6、询问。check on it 问问看
7、一本,一份。a copy of 口语中经常使用。
9、crossword puzzle
10、拜访。drop by
13、gains and losses 得与失。
14、go broke 破产;身无分文
15、go on forever 永远继续下去
19、make it 达到,抵达,做到
20、错误。make a mistake
23、*装。a paper back book / paperback edition*装书,与hard back book / hard cover精装书相对。听力中会出现的情形是,在促销(on sale)期间,*装书和精装书一样的价格,这个时候大家当然会更愿意选择精装书了。
28、quote / quotation
30、着急。why run?
32、严重的。车祸造成了严重的伤害(severe injuries)。
36、take good care of 好好照看
37、tend to
38、结束、完成(工作)be (go) through
40、as a matter of fact 实际上
41、pass through 经过, 通过
42、take ... for granted 以...为骄傲
43、be aware of/that 注意到
44、looking forward to 期望
45、at advanced levels 在高级范围内
46、according to 根据
47、aim to do 指望做某事
48、ahead of time 提前
49、all the time 一直,始终
50、anything but 根本不
——英语四级常用词汇 40句菁华
1、burst vi.,n. 突然发生,爆裂
2、slide v. 滑动,滑落 n. 滑动;4滑面;幻灯片
3、bacteria n. 细菌
4、breed n. 种,品种 v. 繁殖,产仔
5、liberal a. 慷慨的;丰富的;自由的
6、tender a. 温柔的;脆弱的
7、accelerate vt. 加速,促进
8、catalog n. 目录(册) v. 编目
9、vague a. 模糊的,不明确的
10、extinct a. 绝灭的,熄灭的
11、alcohol n. 含酒精的饮料,酒精
12、accomplish vt .完成,到达;实行
13、academy n. (高等)专科院校;学会
14、career n. 生涯,职业
15、vessel n. 船舶;容器,器皿;血管
16、external a. 外部的,外表的,外面的
17、petroleum n. 石油
18、route n. 路;路线;航线
19、temple n. 庙宇
20、tendency n.趋向,趋势
21、bachelor n. 学士,学士学位;单身汉
22、excess n. 过分,过量,过剩
23、private a. 私人的,个人的
24、grant vt. 授予,同意,准予
25、grand a. 宏伟大,壮丽的,重大的
26、acid n. 酸,酸性物质 a. 酸的;尖刻的
27、videotape n. 录像磁带 v. 把...录在录像带上
28、internal a. 内部的,国内的
29、range n. 幅度,范围 v. (在某范围内)变动
30、wonder n. 惊奇,奇迹 v. 想知道,对...感到疑惑
31、capture vt. 俘虏,捕获
32、valley n. 山谷,峡谷
33、continual a. 不断地,频繁的
34、explosive a. 爆炸的;极易引起争论的
35、idle a. 懒散的,无所事事的
36、identify n. 身份;个性,特性
37、bargain n. 便宜货 vi. 讨价还价
38、code n. 准则,法规,密码
39、focus v. (使)聚集 n. 焦点,中心,聚焦
40、subsequent a. 随后的,后来的
——英语四级词汇 40句菁华
2、all night long 整晚
3、as well 也
5、预定,订购。 be booked up 被预定空了;booking office 售票处
7、一本,一份。a copy of 口语中经常使用。
9、指望。count on 依赖
10、crossword puzzle
11、drunk driving
14、give sb a hand 帮助某人
15、go ahead 向前进;继续下去
16、go over 复*,温*
18、keep in touch(with) 保持联系
20、误认。这对双胞胎长得太像了,所以i often mistake one for another,并且无法tell them apart。
22、着急。why run?
26、take good care of 好好照看
27、转向,转移。turn attention to 转移注意力
30、be worth doing sth 值得做某事
31、be worthwhile to 值得……
33、as a matter of fact 实际上
34、a sequence of 一系列的
35、set in 开始
36、be built from... 用...去建造
37、carry out 完成,实施
38、according to 根据
39、anything but 根本不
40、as a rule 通常,照例
——全国大学英语四级考试的作文 (菁华3篇)
should universities lower admission requirements for celebrities?
in recent years, many famous universities lower admission requirements for celebrities. more and more celebrities, especially sports stars, have been admitted to famous universities even without an entry examination. this phenomenon has become a subject of widespread controversy.
some people object strongly that universities lower admission requirements for celebrities. they hold that this admission pattern will damage the basic fairness rule of education. in addition, they say that if a person who has not enough academic ability is admitted to the university, it would be an insult on college education. however, still other people think it acceptable. they say that these celebrities deserve this privilege because they have proved their abilities in their field. besides, in their opinions, these celebrities to some extent set a good model for other young people.
weighing these two arguments, i prefer the latter one. for one thing, these celebrities have sacrificed much learning time for their work, so they should be provided a better chance for learning. for another, if they accept advanced education, they could serve the society better. therefore, i suggest that people should pay more attention to these celebrities’ efforts and contributions rather than the special treatment they enjoy.
groups of bees work together to produce honey. their great efforts are not selfish,however, as the amount of honey they produce is for an entire group rather than a singleindividual.
the drawing above suggests that people should selflessly dedicate themselvesto theircommunity as a whole. this spirit of dedication requires faith. selfless hard work is anembodiment of responsibility and strength.
the health of nations requires a spirit of devotion. chinese teachers, doctors and athleteswho all work for the benefit of their country, for example, aredevoting themselves regardless offame or fortune. they are dedicated to the society they live within. no matter what type ofjob one holds, one should work hard and in earnest to improve ones community.
the results of dedication, however, depend not only on ones willingness to give but alsoon ones ability. if you are enthusiastic about devoting yourself to your country, but do nothave the skills it takes to do so, you cannot effect much change. the more competent, one is,the greater ones contribution. therefore, it is essential that students focus on their studiesand enhance their skills in order to properly give back to society.
air pollution is one of the major problems of the modern world. a great deal of energy is needed to run the factories of modern industrial nations. automobile, trains, planes and busses need energy, too. nearly all of this energy is produced by burning fuels. the burning produces wastes, some of which remain in the air, causing air pollution. scientists are finding ways to stop air pollution especially in big industrial areas and densely-populated cities. they are studying new ways of generating electricity that may be less damaging to the environment. in the meantime, many power plants are being modernized to give off less polluted material. also, engineers try to design and locate new power plants to do minimum damage to the environment. however, it may be that we still have a long way to go before we have a “clean” world.
nearly all of the countries are trying hard to prevent and control air pollution. there indeed seems to be no end to tasks that environmentalists will be required to do. people will continually find new ways to control pollution.
——英语四级作文 (菁华6篇)
welcome to english club! it could serve as a platform to show your outstanding abilities and help you develop a range of great skills.
you can be involved in a variety of activities including staging musical dramas, holding group discussions and watching oscar-winning movies. these extra-curricular activities could offer you ample opportunities. first, your active participation is helpful to strengthening the sense of responsibility and managing interpersonal relations. second, various activities organized by us could raise your level of proficiency in english. a good command of english empowers you to enjoy decided competitive edge over your peers.
you can file a written application to our staff office or email us via bonoo@diandian.net. the deadline for entries is sept. 25th. come on, join us now!
job hunting has always been a headache for college students. though many graduates are employed right after graduation, some are not. most serious of all, some still have no idea where to go working even a long time after graduation.
the reasons for this phenomenon are various. on the one hand, a few years ago colleges and universities enrolled so many students in popular majors, such as economy, finance and so on that the number of graduates was greater than the need in the market. on the other hand, most graduates would rather stay in large cities without suitable job to do than go to the country.
i reckon this problem can be solved if both colleges and students take measures. first, they should research the market and develop special skills to suit its need. second, students’ attitude towards employment should be changed. they should go to small cities and country. there they can also give full play to their professional knowledge. in a word, if we pay much attention, the situation can be improved.
1. 如今不少学生在英语学*中不重视拼写,
2. 出现这种现象的原因是
3. 为了改变这种状况,我认为。
due attention should be given to spelling
in current society,we come across too many people who put much emphasis on __________.in many cases,________ has become the sole criterion for judging a person’s __________. i argue that we should not put too much emphasis on ________. to begin with,we should not take it for granted that those who __________ will naturally ______________. moreover,_____________. yet, _____________. the above discussion points to a fact that _______________. consequently,it is of vital importance for us to realize that _____________.
as is shown above, the bar chart clearly demonstrates the relationship between the education level and earning in 2010. it is obvious that well-educated persons such as owning doctoral degree and master's degree have a high salary than those who have relatively low degree. isolated as the figure seems to be, as a matter of fact, we can observe that the higher level of education you receive, the higher income you get.
people’s opinions about investment in education differ from person to person. some people say that knowledge could no longer change destiny. to them, it is not only a waste of money, but also a waste of time. others deem that education is worthy of investment. as for me it is no doubt that education offers favorable working opportunity and handsome income, which enable us to buy what we want ,please what we love, and fulfill what we dream, and correspondingly we are able to build an ideal paradise where life can be enjoyed to the uttermost.
in conclusion, we should realize significance of education, which plays a crucial role in personal growth of career. in addition, it is convinced that education is the prospect of a nation.
from the chart above, we can definitely get a conclusion that the more you learned, the higher your salary would be. the figures in the chart denied the claim that knowledge is useless. however quite a few people still hold the opinion that a higher education does no good to a better job since that there are many university students who can not get an ideal job.
what i want to point out is that there is more than one factor that contributes to the failure of finding an ideal job for those who got a higher education. while those who failed to get a better education will hardly succeed in getting a good job because they didn’t get the knowledge systematically and scientifically.
as the proverb goes like this, knowledge is power. education pays, sooner or later.
——大学英语四级常考短语245个 40句菁华
1、choose from... 从...中挑选
2、be curious about... 对...感到好奇
3、as a matter of fact 实际上
4、take ... for granted 以...为骄傲
5、looking forward to 期望
6、carry out 完成,实施
7、according to 根据
8、ahead of 在...之前
9、as a rule 通常,照例
10、as follows 如下
11、as well as 除...外(也),即...又
12、at a time 一次,每次
13、at best 充其量,至多
14、at no time 从不,决不
15、at the moment 此刻,目前
16、by all means 尽一切办法,务必
17、by and by 不久,迟早
18、by mistake 错误地,无意地
19、by virtue of 借助,由于
20、by way of 经由,通过方法
21、due to 由于,因为
22、for the moment 暂时,目前
23、from time to time 有时,不时
24、in a moment 立刻,一会儿
25、in a way 在某种程度上
26、catch one's breath 喘气,松口气;屏息
27、give rise to 引起,导致
28、indignant with sb. 愤慨
29、inferior to 级别低于,不如
31、ab/about sth innocent of 无……罪,无辜
32、next to 下一个,其次
33、in regard to 关于,至于
34、in spite of 尽管
35、in the end 最后,终于
36、in the least 丝毫,一点
37、take care of 爱护,照料
38、take a chance 冒险,投机
39、take change 开始管理,接管
40、carry/bring/put into effect 使生效,实行,实现
——英语四级常用英语词组 40句菁华
1、at least 至少
2、at the end (of) 在~~结束时
5、a piece of 一张(一片,块)
6、a kind of 一种
7、a group of 一队,一组,一群
8、one after another 顺次
9、the day before yesterday 前天
10、a moment ago 刚才
11、half an hour's walk 步行半小时的路程
12、开拓心胸 to broaden the mind
13、灌输知识 to impart knowledge into someone
14、实现抱负 to realize one's ambition
15、欣赏古典文学 to appreciate the classical literature
16、作笔记 to take notes
17、尽身为学生的责任 to fulfill one's duty as a student
18、美化环境 to beautify the environment
19、对...有害 to be harmful to;to do harm to
20、屏息 to hold one's breath
21、流泪 to shed tears
22、振作 to pull oneself together;to take heart
23、把握机会 to seize the opportunity
24、告辞 to take one's leave
25、跟随流行 to follow the fashion
26、存钱 to deposit money
27、自立 to be independent;to stand on one's own
28、none other than 不是别的,正是
29、off and on 断断续续,间歇地
30、on board 在船(车/飞机)上
31、on purpose 故意地
32、on sale 出售,廉价出售
33、on schedule 按时间表,准时
34、on second thoughts 经重新考虑
35、on the grounds of 根据,以……为由
36、on the other hand 另一方面
37、just now 刚才
38、on a plane/bus/train/ship 在飞机/公共汽车/火车/轮船上
39、by the way 顺便问一下
40、have a rest 休息一下
——英语四级高频词汇 40句菁华
1、architecture n. 建筑学
2、applicant n申请人
3、geography n. 地理
4、geology n. 地质学
5、algebra n. 代数
6、entertainment n. 娱乐;招待,款待
7、passive a被动的,消极的
8、environment n. 环境
9、restrain vt. 阻止,抑制
10、relevant a有关的,切题的
11、restraint n. 抑制,限制
12、relief n轻松,宽慰;减轻
13、temporary a. 暂时的,临时的
14、sincere a诚挚的,真诚的
15、京剧 peking opera
16、utilize vt利用
17、variation n变化,变动
18、秦腔 qin opera
19、automatic a. 自动的
20、口 技 ventriloquism
21、泥人 clay figure
22、region n. 地区;范围;幅度
23、书法 calligraphy
24、*结 chinese knot
25、cancel vt. 取消,废除
26、工笔 elaborate style
27、cope vi. (with)(成功地)应付,处理
28、maintain vt. 维持,保持;坚持,主张
29、discipline n. 纪律;惩罚;学科
30、community n. 社区,社会
31、comment n. /vt. 评论
32、distinguish vt. 区分,辨别
33、mood n. 心情,情绪;语气
34、prominent a. 突出的
35、substance n. 物质;实质
36、splendid a. 极好的,壮丽的,辉煌的
37、prompt vt. 促使 a. 敏捷的,及时的
38、vivid a. 生动的
39、waist n. 腰,腰部
40、prominent a. 突出的'